Do you have your tickets for March 1?

Support the Symphony

The Rockbridge Symphony’s success speaks to the generosity of our supporters. Since only a third of our funding comes from ticket sales, the remainder is dependent on donations and sponsorships.

Donations are recognized at the following levels:

  • Conductor’s Circle – $5,000+
  • Composer’s Circle – $2,500-$4,999
  • Grand Benefactors – $1,250- $2,499
  • Benefactors – $500 – $1,249
  • Patrons – $250 – $499
  • Friends  – up to $249

Tax-deductible contributions can be made electronically via Venmo using @RockbridgeSymphony.

You can donate via PayPal using the button below. Please note that all donations are received through our parent organization, Fine Arts in Rockbridge.

If you prefer, contributions can also be made via check made out to FAIR and designated for Rockbridge Symphony.

Contributions should be sent to:

Rockbridge Symphony
c/o Fine Arts In Rockbridge
P.O. Box 988
Lexington, VA 24450